I was on the road last weekend (just one of many excuses for why I haven't blogged recently.) If you can guess where this photo was taken, and you're the first person with the right answer, then I'll send you a copy of the softcover of JAMAICA ME DEAD, which comes out this week. And no fair entering if 1) You happen to be one of the many people who was in the same place I was or 2) You're related to me or 3) You have secret information that might help you answer the question.
I mean, we are a nation of laws, aren't we?
Aren't we?
Okay, my powers of deduction tell me this is a)Somewhere a hockey rink is connected to a hotel and b)somewhere you can wear shorts in October, even if you are from Florida and unused to cold air rising up your shwartz. I mean shorts. Let's see, no hotel attached to the Office Depot Center or at the Pond. Which are two of the three venues where I've seen a professional hockey team, the third being the Hartford Civic Center which DOES have a Mariott attached but it was about 50 degrees last week in Connecticut...
Conclusion: I have no freaking idea. I'll just buy a copy of Jamaica Me Dead next time you're at Murder on the Beach.
Got your auction link this morning--Yes, I am bidding!
Can't wait for the new book! As to where you are???? Well, it is a rainy, great book reading day here at home! Off to the book store I am!
OK, I'll give more hints:
The hotel is not connectect to a hockey rink.
And there was a sporting event more important than hockey (imagine that) taking place in the same metro area last Saturday...
And I was wearing the Florida shirt because the Gators had just whupped LSU....(but that's not a hint..)
Damn typos...hate 'em.
That should be connected, not the other thing.
Good call, Randy. I was indeed in Dearborn, Michigan last weekend, attending the Great Lakes Booksellers Association trade show....same weekend as Detroit beat the Yankees to advance to the AL playoffs.
But I'm suspicious. How the heck did you know that?
You were really at the Dearborn Hyatt last month?
In any event, shoot me your surface address offline and I'll send you the book...
Rum Randy/Rum Laura -- Damn, y'all are good. I thought I would have to give tons of hints until somebody guessed it. I mean, Dearborn, who'd a thunk it?
Now I have to think up another freebie/contest giveaway...
Bob, gave yourself away in an earlier blogg. You had dropped that piece of info already. Damn! I notice I am late for the correct answer. Oh well, at least I still have the hardcover, signed!!!!!
Rum Randy,
You can read that little circle? Damn! I can't make heads or tails out of it.
Very nice! I like it. t mobile samsung
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