The first three visitors to post comments here will receive free mini-bottles of Special Edition Appleton Estates Jamaica Me Dead Rum.
Hmm, it just now occurred to me that this might be illegal. OK, you have to promise me that you are 21. And that you won't tell federal authorities if I send it to you through the US Mail.
Beyond that, I suggest drinking it neat with a slice of lime...
And don't worry, Kristy,you've already won your rum...
In honor of the man who first taught me the glories of Appleton Estates, I hereby accept the prize.
Da rum's in da mail, mon...
Free rum????? Bob, you rock!
Did I make the cut for the free booze? I sure can use it!
Congrats Tasha and Jimmy, you made the cut.
And for others who check in later, not to worry, more free stuff is soon on the way. Check back...
Well, I'm the 6th poster, but I've never drunk rum, so that alone should make you want to send me some. And I have left the age of 21 far behind me, sad to say.
As always, too late to the party. I guess it's Sammy Cabo Wabo tequila for me. Welcome aboard the blog world, Bob.
I'll have a rum and coke - hold the rum. Welcome to the blogosphere, Bob. Just jumped in myself with my adopted sister, Kim. Same as you, I figured "If Rhoades can do it, so can we!" But seriously, the man's an inspiration.
Great grand opening promo! Look forward to reading your blog and your books.
(I promise to put you on our links as well, as soon as we figure out how.)
Julia, Chris, Aldo -- welcome. More free rum soon come, mon...
Looks like I'm too late! But I'll be heading out to St. Maarten and St. Thomas at the beginning of August. Cheap Cruzon Rum. Oh yeah!!
Yeah, Ms. Ling, Cruzan has been one of my longtime favorites. I even named my first sailboat "Cruzan." Used to be able to buy it, in the not-so distant past, for 90 cents a liter. Then they started getting all fancy with flavors and crap.
But an important thing to note for Cruzan lovers: If you buy the cheap stuff at Walgreens or ABC or Albertsons, with the in-house label, that is really Cruzan. It says it's made by Virgin Island Distilleries, aka Cruzan. And I've done the taste test -- identical.
Moral: Buy the cheap stuff...
Yo, Bob!
Miss Tica, the amazing talking cat, says hello! She wanted some of that rum, but she's not 21 yet, not even in cat years! Me-wow!
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