It’s mango season in Trinidad and I’ve been pigging out. Yesterday was total mango overload. Started out with a visit to the market in Chanaguas where Dilly (left) was selling green mangoes that had been sliced, drizzled with lime and sprinkled with salt and hot peppers. A bagful (30 cents) was breakfast.
Bought a bag of Julie mangoes, the sweetest of the sweet, from another vendor in the market (10 for $1.) Snacked on a couple of them on the ride up the coast, then stopped at a roadside stand where the vendor was selling all kinds of sliced and prepared mangoes—peppermint mangoes, mangoes preserved with molasses, spicy mangoes. Bought some of everything.
Later in the afternoon, I stopped at yet another stand where I picked up a bag of Zadaki mangoes, which are even sweeter than the Julies, plus some tiny little mangoes that no one knew the name of. I felt kinda sorry for them, so I bought them, too. They are a tad stringy but I don't hold that against them.
I’ve got all my mangoes sitting on the window sill of my hotel room. I’ll be flying home tomorrow and can’t bring them with me. So I am writing a little, then stopping to eat some mango, then writing some more. I am a happy man ...
Man go eat mangoes, man goes home mangoless.
A tragic love story.
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMangoes, yum! I have a great recipe for Mango crumb cake if anyone is interested!
Richard -- Man also smuggles mangoes. I can't bear to leave good mangoes behind. I'll wrap them in towels and put them in the bottom of my carry-on bag, along with the two bottles of Cuban rum I bought.
Just in case things go south -- can I count on you for bail money?
And Jimmy G -- hell yes, give up that recipe...
Rum Runner -- My skin has turned a strange shade of yellow from the mango diet. But I ain't seeking rehab...
Good luck on the smuggle job. I was busted coming in with one singe Cuban cigar. I'll drop that recipie in your mail box. If you do get busted we'll take up a collection.
Fuzzy -- The secret to avoiding da bad belly, follow each mango with a shot of rum laced with Angostura bitters. Even if you get da bad belly you don't really care...
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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