For the record, I'm a Democrat and an Obama supporter. Over the past year or so, I've enjoyed numerous encounters with friends who do not share my political beliefs. For the most part, these have been well-reasoned, reasonably sober, even-toned discussions where we respected each others' opinions and behaved as adults. But there have also been a few knock-down, drag-out confrontations that stopped just short of blood-letting ... and this was with people I'm related to.
For the life of me, I can't understand why these decent human beings can't see things as I do and vote the same as me, but that's what makes this world so interesting, eh?
We have a friend, Bob, a diehard Republican, who has been after my wife for months to bake him his favorite cake. It's a Portuguese honey-almond cake that comes from a 30-year-old recipe out of Bon Appetit. Debbie makes it for special occasions and, for my money, it's the best damn cake in the world. If ever there was a cake that could make someone re-think their political beliefs then this is it.
The other day, Debbie baked this most wonderful cake and we presented it to Bob and his wife, Darby, and said: "We've enjoyed our political discussions over the past year and respect your point of view. Please accept this cake as a symbol of our belief in our system of government and the good things that can come from civil discourse. Yes, this is a bribe to change your mind so you'll vote for Barack Obama. But if it doesn't work, then so be it. Enjoy the cake."
So why not have a little fun in these last few days before the Nov. 4 election and, at the same time, get rid of the acrimony that politics can create? Why not offer a respite from rhetoric and the freaking economy and attend to creature comforts? Why not let people on both sides of the political fence support their candidates and honor their differences with... pastry?
To that end, I introduce: Bake a Cake for Obama/Make a Pie for McCain.
Here's how it would work: Pick someone with whom you have been at political odds over the past year. This could be a friend, like my friend Bob, who has held fast to opinions that differ widely from your own, so widely that at times you might have wanted to bash him over the head. Or, it could be a neighbor who has stuck up a political sign in her yard and you've considered it a direct affront to your beliefs.
If you are a Democrat and an Obama supporter, you will give that person a cake. And if you are a Republican and a McCain supporter, you will make that person a pie. You will offer a few kind words, try one last time to change their minds and, done with that, tell them to enjoy the pie/cake.
Will this change the outcome of the election? No way. Will it go a long way toward easing some of the ill-will that has been floating around during this seemingly endless political campaign? I hope so.
And come Nov. 5, the world will be a better place. It has to be ...
I think Bob should re-distribute the wealth and share his Portuguese honey-almond cake.
I see lots of friendly neighbors with big butts!
Feel like i went through this 50 years ago...
Great Idea Bob! I can't understand why my Obama supporter freinds can't see my point of view either. My pie is in the oven though. I'll present it to you at the book release party!
But in the spirit of 'sharing the wealth' there may only be one piece left. LOL! See ya then buddy!
Since I've also received a couple dozen off-blog requests for the recipe for Portuguese Honey Almond Cake, I'll post it here tomorrow ... if my wife will share it with me.
And, in the name of parity and equal space, I'll also post a pie recipe should any of my Republican friends be kind enough to share one they think is good enough to sway the vote to McCain.
yeah! gonna stop and get some good coffee on the way home...
Loved this piece, Bob!
Let's get this election behind us now - its been too much, too long, too nasty and too damned expensive. I am SO over it all.
Sure would love your wife's recipe, if she's willing to share I'll swap one with her. One of my favorites is a lemon blueberry pound cake. Would she like that? OR, I also have one for a lemon pound cake with a Chambord glaze that's mighty tasty . . .
I guess this means we are all eating cake! Even though some of us did not vote for it!
Enjoy anyway! Can't wait for Deadly Silver Sea!!
I missed this thread by quite a few days. I voted for Bob Barr, Libertarian. I'm tired of both parties. What kind of sweet treat do we third party people get??????????
I'm wondering how your wife stays so fit-looking when she is surrounded by all of this food. Although she seems to be doing a fine job on her own, if she would like some help, I am a personal trainer. http://www.mischaberg.com.
I would love that recipe for the honey-almond cake. Maybe if I pass it around, I can drum up more business for myself.
I used to be a die-hard pir eater. Now I have realized how good cake can be.
I like the idea of sharing a table - no matter what is served.
Good food will always be good food, but you can't make people like it.
for the Liberaterians - there should be a dish baked as well (Baked Alaska is taken for some reason) - somehow cookies seems right.
Got Milk ?
Bob, where are you? We all have lives, but a "Hello" would suffice.
OK, hello...
You're right, I'm way overdue on a new post. Maybe soon. Feel guilty posting when I'm behind on the next book...stay tuned,
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