If there really were such a place as Chasteen's Palm Nursery, nestled on the shores of Redfish Lagoon, this is what I imagine it might look like. For the record, this photo was taken in The Garden of Palms in Fort Myers. Back in 2001-2002, when I was editor of
Gulfshore Life magazine, I had an apartment in downtown Fort Myers and each morning I would go on a long walk that took me along the Caloosahatchee River waterfront and through the Garden of Palms. This was about the same time that I started dreaming up Zack Chasteen and writing the first chapters of BAHAMARAMA. How did I come up with the notion of making Zack a palm-tree grower? Well, this might explain it...
I am looking forward to the next and all future Chasteen appearances.
Zack sez: "I look forward to my future appearances, too. I have paid Bob big money (from my Bermuda account) not to kill me off."
I just walked through the garden yesterday. Great little spot. Looks like the Sky Bar has closed down. Sorry
Last time I walked through -- a coupla weeks ago when I took that photo -- the garden was looking a little shabby. And it is missing that giant Talipot palm. What gives?
I didn't even know the park was there until I read your article about a year ago. The Talipot was already gone by then. Hurricane Andrew wiped out Fairchild's. Maybe Charlie or Wilma got this one. I guess it could have flowered and died. They'll clean up that area when the City Pier is turned into an art gallery. I hope.
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