We've got gaggles of geese and exaltations of larks and even, according to a compendium of collective nouns, such things as an eloquence of lawyers and a superfluity of nuns.
But what, pray tell, do we call a group of librarians?
This question occurred to me the other day after I spoke to an altogether charming assortment of folks at the Seminole County (FL) Public Library System's annual staff day. Librarians are some of my favorite people. I mean, what's not to like about librarians? They love books. They share their enthusiasm with others. And they are the front line of intellectual freedom, championing unbridled curiosity and fighting the good fight against censorship and the so-called Patriot Act.
But when several librarians gather together what do you call them?
I've tried to come up with a collective noun that fits:
A catalogue of librarians ... a decimal of librarians (you know, after Dewey) ... and, the best I can do, a stack of librarians.
But I'm thinking maybe you can do better. So here's the deal: Send me your ideas. If you come up with the absolute-best collective noun that describes librarians, then you'll win a free copy of BERMUDA SCHWARTZ, which comes out in February.
The usual rules apply: 1) If you've won something here in the past then you are, sadly, ineligible. 2) And I reserve the right to make up any other rules as I see fit -- even those that seem stupid and arbitrary.
So send me your ideas. Now. I don't want to hit you with an overdue fine...
How about a Lush of Librarians? Having been married to one for 34 years, I've heard all sorts of stories about what goes on in the closed stacks.
I think it should be a "Volume of Librarians".
A legion of luciferous librarians
How about "Book Legends"
E-mail address: lsmith02@seminolecountyfl.gov
How about "Book Divas"?
I thought these contests were
supposed to be easy. How about
Quiet Zone or Bookie's or Shush-K-Bob or Read-a-holics Anonymous
Either a "stack" or a "quiet" of librarians.
I'd suggest the "Dewey Decimal Divas", or the "Dewey Decimalettes"...
Two for the mere price of one....
Pat Frye
How about "A Litany of Librarians"?
Too late for the contest I'm sure, but it was fun to contemplate. And given that this is my first visit to your site... what the hay.
A binding of librarians
A shush of librarians
A compendium of librarians
(I must admit to enjoying "a volume of librarians" a lot even though I didn't think of it first.)
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