These photos are courtesy of my old college pal, Acey Harper, photog extraordinaire, who now lives in the Bay Area. Sadly, there are no shots of Acey, but he did show up at Ed Kaufman's fine "M is for Mystery" to document the event.
I arrived early just so I could go eat sushi with Ed. Then we rolled aside the book racks, set up chairs, poured some drinks and welcomed a crowd that included the Jordan Family, my cousin Hank Harper, and, as always, some folks from the local Gator Club and Parrothead chapter. Then Acey and I went out afterwards for Mexican. So let's see, it was sushi, then rum, then chili rellenos... pass the Alka Seltzer, please.
Acey Harper? The same guy who used to free lance for USA Today? Oh my. In my previous life as a romance writer, I think it was Acey who got the assignment from USAToday to shoot my picture to go with a story about husband and wife writing teams.
Here's how you can find out. Ask him if he remembers the couple he asked to pose on their brass bed with champagne glasses. (yes, we wore clothes.Me in red satin, husband in a tux). Acey was the one who had the idea to spread the rose pedals.
It was a fabulous pic and ran HUGE in the Life section. And I have it on my wall.
Give him my regards!
Stumbled upon your first fantastic two books at the library awhile back and now stumbled upon your blog just goofing off on the net waiting for my wife's show "Dancing with the Stars" to go off. Love your books and can't wait to get a copy of your next one.
Are you a book tour or are you simply eating and drinking your way across the U.S. of A?
Either way, you're doing a helluva job.
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